Friday, October 23, 2009

Academic preview

Action and Emotion

I think this picture has a strong sense of sadness or loneliness. or shee seems like she is feeling lost. The way she is just sitting there against the lockers alone, drawing or writing.

Filling the Frame

I think this picture is filling the frame with the way they are showing the Bingo card and the ones that are already called. I think it's also interesting because one hand is older and the other is still young.

The Story
This picture seems like there's an interesting reason for them to be making these heart related objects. I think that the story behind it may be that they are making these for charity or maybe they're making them for fun. It just seems like there would be a story with a theme of hearts.

Contest Preview

ATPI Fall Contest

BEST OF SHOW Andrew Hefter, Allen High School

What makes this picture eye catching for me is the fact that it has reflection in the back. The trees that are reflecting off of the water in the backround and the headphones hanging just makes this picture pop out. What adds like an extra feature to this picture is it being taken in black and white.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


1.) Focal length of lens - f/2.8 fisheye
2.) Shutter Speed - shot at 1/1600
3.) What is the effect of shooting at this shutter speed? The photographer wants to portray the #20 Car and the drmatic sunset.
4.) Aperture-f/2.8
5.) What is the effect (Depth of field) of shooting at this aperture? Fish eye
6.) Position - Describe where you think the photographer was standing to get this shot.
I think he was maybe in the stands around the entrance.

Show and Tell

I think this picture is very emotional. I feel like the fact that they're grieving with the childs loss hugging his belongings makes this a strong picture.

I like this video because it shows how Austin is a big thing even around the world. The guy in this video is taking that video he's making to Guatemala.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Great Black and White Photographers, PART 3

1) When I chose this photographer, I was admiring the fact that most of his pictures were of women. He seemed to admire a womans body, all shapes and sizes. Even though after his death they found all those pictures of prostitues.

I see a woman enjoying the drink in her that seems to be an alcoholic beverage.

I smell the strong scent of the drink as the room is closed in.

I hear nothing but the clinking of the bottle hitting the glass when she pores the drink.

I taste the wind in the room, the dust.

I feel her vibe of hapiness coming from her. She seems relaxed and calm just sitting there, enjoying the drink.

I see a woman admiring a dog on her porch on a nice day. I see her leg propped up basically because she seems happy.

I smell the breeze of the nice day and I smell the dogs fur as she plays with him.

I hear her laughter and the dogs soft bark.

I taste the breeze.

I feel the wisp of the breeze against my skin.

3) What I would do to get this photgrapher more out there would probably be to go around to museums and find any people who like the photos and place them in the museum. Or I would post things on the internet and place them on a copyrighted secure sight.

Nature: Mergers and avoiding them

Nature: Cropping

Nature: Framing

Nature: Create Depth

Nature: Background

Nature: Viewpoint

Nature: Symmetry and Patterns

Nature: Leading Lines

Nature: Balancing Elements

Nature: Rule of Thirds

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hurricane Ike

I like this picture because the photorapher took it very clearly taken. It caught my eye because It shows what happenedd and everything is perfectly lined up.

I chose this picture because the photographer caught a perfect picture of what exactly was on fire and what else was bound to catch fire because of these fumes. I think this picture has good balance.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Avoiding Mergers

I chose this picture because you can see the difference beween each building. No one building is blending/merging into another.