Thursday, December 10, 2009

Photo manipulation and ethics

1a. This story is mainly about how people who alter pictures are taking a risk at loosing their job and credibility. It is strongly advised to not alter the images because it takes away from the truth of what is really happening during that certain event.

1b. This editing of photos is unethical in my opinion. I believe that people deserve to know the truth, whether it be bad or good.

2 a. This picture, to me, is most unethical because the soldier seems to be denying the man and his child. When in reality, He is warning them to cover from Iraqi fire

2b. Thsi picture to me seems like the least unethical. The pyramids were only scooted closer to fit on the cover, which is fine since the cover really isnt all about those pyramids.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ethics in Fashion photography

1. The models neck was one of the things that was changed. it made her a completely different person.

2. It shouldn't be ethically acceptable to change someone's appearance like so, but we see it everyday.

3. When you're trying to make a point that beauty is in everyone. If you're making a bad example if you post a picture of someone that is digitally fixed.

4. I dnt think any changes are okay. I think people should be left alone to show real beauty.

5. Photojournalism seems more on pictures and words. as in fashion photography is more on just pictures maybe.

6. There is no relation. If you're changing a photo of someone, it's not going to be real anymore. It changes that persons face which makes her a different person.

Photoshop pictures

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Negatives Evaluation

1. Most of my photos turned out blury. They were good pictures but blury.

2. Most of the photos are blury because I believe I may have not checked the light meter too well.

3. Well, my picture was the less blury of all. Which was why I chose it. I also liked the fact that it was a very good view point.

4. In my negative, I think the best apect there was, was one of the rules of composition I used. I used View point as one and my negative looks as though The camera was right where her face was, to seem like it was her looking at her hands as she works.

5. I tried to do certain things, but my mistake was I didn't really look for the three rules I had in mind, in the same one picture. In my favorite negative, I used View Point. Looking down from the persons view.